Pilgrim in Bucharest – A Visitor’s Guide
Pilgrimage is a constant value of the humanity, as well as a chance for spiritual enrichment. Following routes that lead to holy places of worship, meeting people and visiting places through whom and through which one can feel God’s activity within the life of the world, are always crowned by joy and blessing.
Being told of, as far back as the mediaeval period, as a “city of joy” (Hilariopolis), being also called “the little Paris”, in the 19th century, the present-day capital city of Romania does keep in its major articulations the unmistakable dimension of the Orthodox spirituality, owing to its churches, old or new, founded by princes, noble families, hierarchs, priests and monks, guilds, or communities of offering Christians who laid their own charity to the foundation of holy places of worship, for our Orthodox people’s spiritual benefit.
† DANIEL, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
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